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What's a Vegan wine?

What's a Vegan wine?

What's a Vegan wine?

There are various different agents used during the wine making process for fining wine (which means filtering and processing the liquid). It is the use of animal-derived products, such as egg whites or milk casein commonly used during the wine making process to filter or stabilise the wine that means it is no longer vegan. Other animal derived fining agents include;Β gelatine, isinglass, egg whites, casein, bentonite and carbon. When these animal products are used to produce the wine, the wine cannot be considered vegan.Β 

This also causes issues for people with diary or egg allergies who may not be awareΒ what is actually in the bottle. To be safe, always check the label on the back of the bottle.Β 

At Guilt Free Wine we believe in selling only the purest and most natural wines, so almost, if not all our wines are Vegan by default!

You can find out the specific details by clicking on each wine you like and looking for the vegan sticker.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at info@guiltfreewine.com.au